Society Programme in 2011

11 January 2011 Chairman's Evening
25 January 2011 Material obtained in 2010
8 February 2011 Quiz Night - Ray Hook
22 February 2011 The Letter X - max. 10 sheets or 20p
8 March 2011 Postal History & Postal Stationery Evening
22 March 2011 10 Sheet Informal Competition - Postcards and/or Cinderella
12 April 2011 Cyprus - Richard Everett
26 April 2011 U.S.A. Stamps and Postal History - Derek Mauri
10 May 2011 Club Competition & Open Competition
24 May 2011 Club Auction
14 June 2011 Born and Bred a Wiltshire Moonraker Part 3 - Malcolm Watts
28 June 2011 Batty About Sweden - Malcolm Batty
12 July 2011 Disinfection & Quarantine in the Age of Plague - V Denis Vandervelde
26 July 2011 Annual General Meeting
9 August 2011 First Impressions - Harry Wright
23 August 2011 Ten Collections, One Collector - Dane Garrod
13 September 2011 Fill a Frame - Any subject, 15 sheets max.
27 September 2011 Bourse
11 October 2011 The Letter Y - max. 10 sheets or 20p
25 October 2011 Invited Members' Displays - Mark Bailey & David Walker
8 November 2011 Thematic Evening - Transport
15 November 2011 Skittles Evening - CANCELLED
22 November 2011 Club Auction
13 December 2011 Christmas Social & Seasonal Displays

Copyright © 2016 Wokingham & District Philatelic Society
Webmaster: Mark Bailey
Last Updated: 8 July 2016

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